Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Tonight I went running. I go running quite often, but tonight I decided to go a different (and longer) route. I found a new course by moving things on Google maps. I made a 5 mile course. There was part of it I'd never been on before. It took me through a dark neighborhood. But, it was pretty sweet. It reminded me of a neighborhood in Nebraska :] The only problem was the 2 EXTRA hills I had to run, but I definitely survived. Actually I more than survived! It was awesome I did 5 miles in 39 minutes! It was so awesome! I was impressed with myself. It feels good to feel good about yourself sometimes. Even if that doesn't impress anyone else, I'm not a great runner. I'm at a way higher altitude than I'm used to, and I just love it anyway! What really kept me going when I got really tired were these wise words from my high school track and cross country coach. "Don't give up what you want most for what you want at the moment" and "Hold on to the rope!" He used to always tell us to hold on to the rope, and when the rope got too hard to hold onto, tie a knot. The picture is of my running shoes. The red string is a string from him. It keeps me going when I'm running. And not giving up what I want most, I LIVE by this daily! Today, while I was running I think I actually figured out what I want most. But, no one needs to know what that is... yet ;] So, today I'm very happy! :D

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