Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I've had test anxiety since.. probably forever. I don't understand why it's almost every test where I freak out and lose all the knowledge I previously had just by something labeled as a test. Tests are worth a lot of points for your grade, sometimes all your grade consists of is tests. No, it doesn't make sense. I can take a quiz and be totally fine. I'll even get a 100% on those rare occasions where I actually know what I'm talking about. I wish that all tests could just be called QUIZZES then I most likely wouldn't have any problem with them.  But, sadly that is not the case. And... i will continue to encounter problems with test anxiety. And when I figure out the reason why I'm so weird, I will let you know. Until that day... [which will be never] I still choose to be happy. Especially today. ;)

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