Eat Sushi 
July 2010

Go paint balling 
August 2010

Give blood successfully 
August 2010

Live somewhere else besides Nebraska 
September 2010


Go bridge jumping  
September 2010

Give plasma 
November 2010 

Donate my hair 
December 2010

Dye my hair (highlights) 
December 2010

 Ride on a bicycle built for two (tandem bike)
July 2011

Meet David Archuleta 
Completed November 2011

Go rock climbing on a rock wall
Completed June 2012


61. Be able to dance a whole song without tripping
60. Go on an African Safari 
59. Cook an entire meal with things I've grown myself
58. Change someone's life
57. Ride in a helicopter 
56. Spend a week not using my car, only walking or riding my bike places
55. Go para-sailing 
54. Send a message in a bottle 
53. Sail on a yacht
52. Buy a star and name it either after me or someone else
51. Swim with dolphins 
50. Stay up all night to watch the sunrise
49. Graduate from college 
48. Go to a rain forest
47. Go white water rafting 
46. Reunite people from childhood
45. Learn how to whistle with grass
44. Stay up for 48 hours straight doing ridiculous things 
43. Go rock climbing on a rock wall CHECK!
42. Learn to play the guitar
41. Write a song
40. Climb to the top of a big mountain 
39. Do a walk for cancer
38. Make someone happier than they've ever been 
37. Love myself
36. Be in a play/musical
35. Go cliff jumping 
34.Go bung-i jumping 
33. Be a morning person 
32. Go on a cruise
31.  Learn to surf
30. Kiss under mistletoe 
29. Visit all 50 states
28. Go on a mission 
27. Run in a half marathon
26. Do something I really don't want to, but will make someone else happy
25. Meet David Archuleta CHECK!
24. Make things okay with everyone it's not okay with, but used to be
23. Spend a month (maybe summer) just volunteering 
22. Give all the money in my wallet to a stranger
21. Make a big sacrifice
20. Go fly suit jumping 
19. Help someone find the gospel
18. Get lost in a cornfield 
17. Go to Niagara Falls
16. Run in a triathlon
15. See a tornado 
14. Write a book
13. Walk the wall of China
12. Learn to drive stick shift
11. Be good at something
10. Go to Paris and take a picture next to the Eiffel Tower
9. Run in a marathon
8. Lay in the street and watch the stop lights go
7. Go sky diving
6. Have amazing children
5. Marry the man of my dreams
4. Fly in a hot air balloon
3. Have an unwavering testimony 
2. Get married in the temple  
1. ????? Still working on what I want most

My bucket list was made in May 2010, 
some things have been added since then, 
but not everything is in a specific order mostly just the top ones are in a specific order