Saturday, March 15, 2014

March Happiness Day 14 and 15

So Friday was great. I got off work early. Spent some bro sis time with Josh. Had a birthday dinner for my dad and some fun at home with everyone afterward. We also enjoyed the creighton game :) 
Saturday started with the girl we were supposed to visit teach canceling on us :( well it happens. Then I caught up ok things around he house like laundry and weekly cleaning. I'm considering a house purchase in my future.... Just throwing that out there. Then, Marissa and I went to the outlets where I got a bunch of free clothes ;) thank you couponing and smart shopping! One day my future family will be grateful. Don't worry I didn't end up leaving the house with the big statement flower on... I'm too afraid of big statements I guess. We had an interesting day when Chris joined us. But that's cool. We had fun. I saw my grandma doe the first time in awhile and I realized I'm afraid more than anything of losing her. As much as I would love to leave Nebraska I'm afraid of losing her. :( I love her so much and cherish my time with her so much. The night ended with an unfortunate loss by creighton.  I didn't score a couch seat so I was on the floor rocking back and forth a lot of the game. I would jump up, sit down, scream, yell, and smile. But, man Providence is a fiesty team. The refs weren't calling fairly. I felt like the only person that was on their game today is the to be expected McDermott and they were guarding him so well. It was so sad that I had to stay up to watch some happy tv. But I surely choose happiness :) life is good. 

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