Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mixed emotions

Being home is such a shock in a way. I don't know what to do with myself. But, at the same time I love it. But, there's so much I miss about Idaho. I don't know what to do really. I don't want to move in because I feel like I'll be leaving so soon that it doesn't even matter. I want to know what's going ot happen in the near future. I would love to know what this fall will really mean for me, but I have absolutely no idea! I miss my younger years where decisions I made didn't really affect the rest of my life. But, that's okay because at the same time when I miss it I'm really excited for the big decisions. Sometimes I just wish I knew what to decide. Nursing, special education, recreation, what the heck am I going to major in? I guess sooner or later I'll figure that one out. These 7ish weeks (well 6ish now) will be great for decision making. I have much more time to myself.  A lot of time to think, lots of quiet time I don't know what to do with. But, for now I'm choosing to be happy. Because honestly I don't have anything not to be happy about really. Now, I'm heading out for a bike ride with my brother :D It'll be great to get out into the humidity and sweat ridiculous amounts and get some exercise. I love being happy :]

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