Monday, January 23, 2012

Serious Now :]

I've been a bit homesick the past two Sundays. I can't decide if it's because I've only been home a total of 16 days in the past 5 months and it will continue to be that long for the next 6, if it's because my birthday is this weekend and I've never NOT been home in NEBRASKA for it... or if it's even because I just feel a little alone. It's weird because I am incredibly happy! But, I'll have these moments where I hear something reminding me of home and I get super bummed. I guess I'm a bit "trunky" for all of you who have served missions. I guess it's not terrible to be trunky when I'm just at school, but still. I really am happy all the people I spend my time with are absolutely AMAZING. I'm so glad that they're so great too though because I know I wouldn't be as happy without them around me. They make my day every day, it's amazing :] Friends are fantastic! I'm still choosing happiness though :] I just miss my family a little bit... 

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