Thursday, October 20, 2011


 This is going to be a random post, mostly because it's been WAY too long since I've blogged.. I've sort of been working on my incredibly long story on why I started this blog, but it's such a long story that it's too ridiculous. But, these are pictures from the masquerade ball that I went to last weekend. I loved it! I got to go with one of my best friends Mark!!! :D He made it amazing! He made an amazing dinner and we went to the dance. We had a blast! We made the most out of the night even though we spent way too long in line for a picture that didn't even turn out well. Psh. the lighting was awful! I was very unimpressed.
Well, I surely choose to be happy, lots that has to do with this guy next to me :D HE'S PRETTY AMAZING! 
College life is crazy, college is stressful. 

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