Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer summer summer

I miss my SUMMER!!!! I don't even really think I remember what it was really like to be just hanging out in the summer. I miss my summer job at papillion recreation (this picture is from last summer at the job). I miss the kids! I've sort of been thinking that I really just want to work with kids in some way. More than a lot lately. I love kids! It's just really always been a fact of life and I want to go to school for something with children. I used to want to be a pediatrition, then a pediatric nurse. Then, now as I'm actually in school preparing to be a nurse, I'm just unsure if I can even hack it. I think I really want to do something in recreation. I love being outside! It's one of my favorite things! I think I just need to switch majors to that, I'm really serious. I think that would make me so happy. Doing something where kids are in my life daily. I mean when I know I'm not getting married any time soon, I won't be able to have my own kids for awhile, so I would love to do something with other people's children. I just need to figure out my life in some way. It's just too bad that I had to wait until almost my second year of school to decide that I want to do something else completely different. I won't even really be able to do anything about it until sooner... But as for right now I'm most definitely choosing to be happy :]

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