Tuesday, August 27, 2013


So I thought this had posted from my phone on Sunday... apparently it hadn't. But, I will blame.... my blogger app :) Mountains make me very happy. Especially when the sun sets behind them like this. Last night it was absolutely beautiful. Smile Sunday! ;) I choose happiness. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Duck Dynasty- Jase and Missy

I love Duck Dynasty!!! And they know what's up!! :) Seriously if more people were like this... I can only imagine how the world would be! It's great to have still examples like them around!

I choose happiness. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Smile Sunday! :)

This sounds silly but I am obsessed with corn fields. They make me smile. They are one of the things I missed most about Nebraska whnI love when they just travel into the distance forever. It's amazing. I also love how sweet corn tastes. I'm a true Nebraskan for loving corn this much! Tonight I even went out on a photography adventure alone to go find some corn to take photos of! It was a blast. I can't wait to have my own camera so I can go on random hunts like I did tonight without having to prep at all, just grabbing my camera and going. I loved it! Such a good time (even though I was alone..) See... people can have fun alone, well at least I can. :) I choose happiness. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Choose Happiness

This girl has got it all figured out! I just discovered this video and she goes to BYU-I (I think, I'm assuming because some of the footage was of the Spori building at least...)

This is her website. It's great! I'm going to use everything she has on there! :) it's great!! ;]

I choose happiness. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Marissa and Chris

This is going to be a new thing I'm going to do. I'm going to post on Saturday (or Sundays) Things that make me smile. Often times it will only be one thing. But, sometimes I just need reminders to smile and I kinda figured this would be a great way to do that! :)

Marissa and Chris

I love these people so much! Their relationship is the best I have ever seen. They are amazing friends and I can only dream of having half of what they have one day in a marriage. I had an amazing day with them today and I'm so glad they are around for a short time. They are both amazing friends and I'm so grateful for them :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

                                                            I Choose Happiness!