Wednesday, July 25, 2012

SOOOOOO excited!!

This is a video I made over a year ago just about. It's about me and my 3 best friends. Marissa, Kristina, and Shaela. I love them SOOOO much. They make me SOOOOO happy!! :D Seriously in general friends are just the greatest. Sure, you go through rough patches.. but you MAKE IT! This week has been wonderful preparing for Kristina's wedding which is on Saturday! I cried when she came out in her wedding dress on Sunday I'm not gonna lie. But, I am sooooo happy! Preparing for all the parties and appointments this week has been wonderful. I absolutely LOVE being a bridesmaid!! I can't wait to PARTY IT UP on Saturday! :) I love my friends. I'm so glad I have them. Especially since right now a lot of hard memories have been popping up into my thoughts and they distract so well. Because when I am so caught up in choosing happiness I have no time to choose sadness! I LOVE THEM!!!! :] I choose happiness :) I am so blessed!!!! 

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