Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Living one day at a time

I feel like I have been posting on here a whole lot because I started a New Testament class awhile ago and I have been posting every week for that on its page, but I haven't don't an OFFICIAL blog post in about a month and a half and I feel like I could post forever. Because this past month and a half ish has felt like forever. I can't even believe it actually. I'll probably stay up forever tonight, write a bunch of posts and just randomly post them later. But, at the same time I have absolutely no idea what I'll do. Actually, that phrase is the perfect transition into what's been happening with me. This past month or so I have been living that way, not having any idea what I'm doing or what I'll be doing in the near future, and I especially don't know what I'm doing in the far future! It's actually been really annoying more than anything... So, I have to tell the story.. So, I planned to go to Provo then up to Idaho with a few friends from Nebraska. We drove up to Provo spent a night up there and a day then left in the evening on a Sunday. So, we made it fine to Provo and then drove up to Rexburg the next day. My car had been hanging out at my apartment complex because I had to come home so suddenly for my headache that I had to fly and literally leave my life behind. (I say life because I had to leave JOSH COOK, my job, my apartment, friends, and car then come to Nebraska with none of those.) Anyway, so we spent a few days in Rexburg. I got to see a few people I hadn't hung out with in awhile and it was a blast. Oh and I got JAMBA JUICE, nothing can beat that!! :] It was a great week.. here's a break from my rambles and a few pictures from my week. (I want more pictures in my posts...)

                                             mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :]
                                                      GOTTA love JAMBA!!!

                                                   I went rock climbing :) YES!
                                             Got to hang out with some old buddies ;]


I LOVE KIWI LOCO! It's the greatest frozen yogurt... yes better than orange leaf and red mango.. sorry but it's a fact of life! PLUS the whole place is green... ya can't beat that! :)

We also went to Sammy's :) DELICIOUS!

I really really missed Rexburg and realized it even more once I got there! It was an amazing week. It did get a little stressful because I wasn't used to so many distractions from homework so I got a little stressed when homework due dates came up.. but I definitely made it through the week! But, Thursday night was a little sad... Marissa and I were going to watch Breaking Dawn [don't judge] and I had taken quite awhile to convince Marissa to watch it. She had read the books but wouldn't watch this movie, I admit that they are not super good movies that I would want to watch over and over again. But, they are just cheesy enough for me (except the first Twilight BLECK!) So, I spent a decent amount of time convincing Marissa to watch it and by the time I had her set and we found someone who had the movie... I got a phone call from a friend. He had borrowed my car and the second I saw he was calling my heart sunk. I looked at Marissa and said, it's Kyle, they got in an accident. So, I answered and on the other line I first hear,
"Hey Amanda, you aren't going to like this but we got in an accident with your car."
My heart sunk even more and I started to sort of freak out. But, I only freaked out internally. I started asking where he was, how bad the damage was... exc. Then, all of a sudden I was speaking with a police officer who was giving me directions to my wrecked car. Kyle on the phone said it was bad, but I still wasn't expecting the worst for some reason. I was really calm once we left our apartment. I was just focused on what I had to do because it was my car and I had to get done whatever had to be done to get my car fixed. We could see the police lights from a few miles away. It was real... it wasn't a dream (well nightmare). We arrived at the scene of the accident and traffic had to slow down and get around it because it took up a good portion of the road. The first thing I saw was the glass on the ground. I started to freak out, meaning tears and hyper-ventilating. I'm so glad Marissa was there because she suggested that we say a prayer. She said, "do you want me to say it?" and I said yes. It was amazing what spirit was brought into that car! I wiped my tears away and it was like they were never there to begin with. It was amazing what tender mercies we receive when we ask (or our best friend asks in my case). I took a deep breath, opened the door and walked over to the accident. I felt bad because I realized I hadn't asked them how they were and if anyone was even hurt. So, I asked them first thing and apologized for not asking sooner. They were all okay though THANK GOODNESS! (oh yeah, my car was full so there were 5 people in there!) Then, the police officer talked to me a bit and checked out the damage. This was it... (some weren't from the day of..)

 So basically that's the damage... Kyle was making a U-turn and got t-boned by an older woman who passed the double yellow lines to try to pass him a little faster because he looked like he was turning right. Her car didn't look much better than mine =( We were there for awhile I can't remember how long. But, my car wasn't drivable obviously. So, we had to watch it get towed away. It was sad, but it worked out I made it through. The next thing I had to worry about were the doctors appointments I had in Salt Lake City the next morning. Luckily I have MARISSA (the greatest friend in the entire world!!!) First she was going to drive me to Salt Lake, then she realized she had class and couldn't. Then, she was going to lend me her car to drive and her mom wasn't comfortable with it. I called way too many rental car places and it was really difficult. Especially because you need to be 21 to rent cars and I'm only 20 and it was 11 something at night so everything was closed and I couldn't wait until they opened the next morning. Then, I decided to get a salt lake express ticket to get to the airport and I was hoping I could rent a car once I got to the airport. When I got to the airport the next day I couldn't rent a car underage. There were some websites that let you rent underage.. but not the airport! Grr. I was getting really frustrated. I felt extremely alone. But, I finally ended up paying for a cab to take me to my appointment which ended up being more than my shuttle ticket. It was quite frustrating financially. But, I will make it through I hope. Then, another tender mercy came into my life. A friend from Nebraska who is from Utah's parents (Kynzi) let me borrow their car! It was a HUGE blessing! I was able to borrow it to get to my second appointment. I made it through my appointments for the day and I made it to Provo to stay where I had a blast! :) I actually really like Provo! It's a fun city! But, anyway I found out I had to stay for a week because of doctors so I ended up being able to borrow Kynzi's parents' extra car for a week and stay in Provo. It was such a tender mercy! I had a good week doing random things. I'll do a separate posts for my Provo adventures, but I'm definitely grateful for TENDER MERCIES. Without them I would be struggling so much more. Anyway so I went through a week of treatments and a friend I was hanging out with while in Provo had a friend who was driving up to Rexburg the upcoming weekend so I thought i was going to be able to go with her, but she ended up bailing out a day before because she was busier than she thought. I was again blessed to be able to use the car I was borrowing and drive it to Rexburg and back after the weekend was over. I packed up my apartment and put it in a storage unit. It was really hard, especially with a headache. The Lord always helps me when I need something done I don't have extreme pain in my head. Sometimes I feel teased, because sometimes I feel like right after the hard (or important) thing is over my bad head pain comes right back. So, through all of this that was happening things could have been A LOT worse, but they weren't because I was very blessed because Heavenly Father loves me! So, anyway... eventually my parents were a little back and forth about me coming home for the fourth of July. (ps...the fourth of July in the Pryor family is THE BIGGEST thing ever! It's our favorite!! And we do it right!) So, last Sunday night my mom and dad told me they had decided to keep me out in Idaho/Utah. So, I accepted that and then the next morning I had a text from my dad saying they gotten me a plane ticket home! It was pretty exciting! :] But, as great as that was it changed my plans again and I had plenty of things to figure out.. so I found a way to Utah and my brother used some hotel points to allow me to stay in a hotel really close to the airport that had a shuttle to the airport I used in the morning. It was an AMAZING night. That will also be talked about in my next post.. Anyway I had a king sized bed and it was definitely on my list of tender mercies. I have had so much help from the Lord. I love him so much and I am so grateful for His love. He is what has gotten me through this difficult time! But, I have been in Nebraska for almost a week now (I flew in on July 4th). It hasn't been super great and I have been struggling with choosing happiness. But, today I have found it!  My smile is back and I can say I am choosing happiness :) And HAPPINESS is so much better than sadness! Happiness is always the best choice! :]

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