Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm going to change

So.. I've decided to slightly alter the way I'm blogging. I still choose to be happy, but now it's going to be a lot about what I'm grateful for. What the good things are. Less focus on the negative. I end up choosing to be happy anyway.. so I really just need to focus on the positive. So, today.. 
1. I got two wow! photography comments on surveys people took online that had photo sessions with me! :D they loved me SOOOO MUCH!

2. I have two great paying jobs and all my managers and supervisors at both of them really like me and appreciate me. 

3. I have a loving family helping me through any and all of my struggles especially these past few months that have been really rough. They've really sadly been the only ones there for me.

I choose to be happy :D