I've been thinking a lot lately and about a lot of different things. I've been experiencing a lot of changes in my life. I feel like they aren't stopping actually, it's quite frustrating when I think about it. But, I've been thinking about things that are so hard in our lives. Things that we don't like to go through and we have to endure. I started thinking a little more about things that are great to have in our lives. Then, I was thinking if we didn't have these difficult things in our life, we wouldn't even understand how GREAT life really is! Life is amazing. The things around us are fantastic. Nature is beautiful. We have so many wonderful things. But, without opposition there is no good. Without the terrible things we would have no good. It's wonderful to have terrible things happen to us. Because it makes it so much easier to appreciate the simple, yet miraculous things in our lives! We all really have experiences that follow us each and every day. Things that we just can't get out of our minds. Especially things that have happened to us that effect us often. But, we just have to get up every day like it's the best day of our lives. We need to make each day better than the last. Always realize that happiness does not happen through certain events, happiness happens through thoughts of joy and pushing out the bad and finding the good in everything even when at the time it seems absolutely impossible. And after these thoughts... I choose happiness :]
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