Wednesday, July 6, 2011


STRESS STRESS STRESS It's very upsetting to try your hardest and do absolutely horrible at something. I've felt that way all semester about school. I feel like the more I try, the worse I do. I know how much sense that makes.. absolutely ZERO But, to top off my horrible grades and complicated life. I got a letter from one of my best friends who is on a mission yesterday. He said a lot of things that made me think. ='( I cried a bit. But, that's okay it's life. I'm taking it as an opportunity to improve my life. He told me that he thinks I'm having too much fun. Can you even have too much fun? I really didn't even think that was possible! BLECK. I'll just hope for improvements in myself. Devotional yesterday at BYU-IDAHO definitely helped a lot to get me to think about what I needed to change. Even though this was before I knew about the letter. PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER. It's the answer to everything in my life.

I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY!!!!! :D           :D             :D            

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