Well, I run a half marathon in a few days. So, I've been running a lot. Yesterday I had a long run and my ipod died only about halfway through the run. So, I had a lot of time to think. This morning as well. I was thinking about high school. I was thinking about all that I've been through since then and how I pictured myself as a 21 year old. The way my life is right now is not anywhere near where I thought it would be. I've been through a lot of things since then and I am not anywhere near where I wanted to be or where I thought I would be. But, where I am is happy. My life is great in it's own ways. Sometimes I look back and wish that people that were a part of my life were still a part of my life. Then, I think again and think about how much happier I am without them. Sometimes I wish my closest friends were actually around, but then I think about if I were around them how I wouldn't be able to grow and I wouldn't make new connections. I think about where I could be if I lived in Provo. If I accepted that job back in June instead of turning it down. I would obviously be in a completely different place. It's so hard to think. It seems lately my mind doesn't stop. I have been trying so hard to stop thinking but it doesn't help.
A huge contributor in my thoughts, facebook. What a curse sometimes. People putting up the best parts of their lives and making their lives seem absolutely perfect. When, from experience, their lives aren't perfect. But, that's what facebook is all about putting a face on your life. And sometimes it is so hard to see people happy knowing they don't miss me as much as I miss having them in my life. But, I am happy too. I'll figure out where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to be doing in the future eventually. For now I know I am exactly where I'm supposed to be and doing exactly what I need to be doing. :) I choose happiness.
Oh and.. this album... I got it and I LOVE ME SOME GOOD OL' JACK! :)
A huge contributor in my thoughts, facebook. What a curse sometimes. People putting up the best parts of their lives and making their lives seem absolutely perfect. When, from experience, their lives aren't perfect. But, that's what facebook is all about putting a face on your life. And sometimes it is so hard to see people happy knowing they don't miss me as much as I miss having them in my life. But, I am happy too. I'll figure out where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to be doing in the future eventually. For now I know I am exactly where I'm supposed to be and doing exactly what I need to be doing. :) I choose happiness.
Oh and.. this album... I got it and I LOVE ME SOME GOOD OL' JACK! :)