Sunday, March 23, 2014

March Happiness Day 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23

Day 17 Monday was a good day. We had a decent schedule at work so it went pretty well. But toward the end of the day I started getting a headache. Then, by the time I got home my head was killing me. Luckily, my mom and dad are great at helping me. They helped me make it through the evening. I hate these things. They are hard. I'm just so grateful it isn't 2012 and I'm not dealing with them everyday and normally my headaches are  bearable. Days like this are few and far between. Making the good days even better. :) 
Day 18 it wasn't the greatest day in the world. But, I did get to buy Frozen! So that was pretty exciting :) it's really an awesome movie. Even though it was a long day of homework, work, and looking terrible I survived. 
Day 19 work was pretty good with all of the late starts. The day kind of dragged but it didn't really matter. I went visiting teaching at orange leaf, then Marissa Chris and I caught up on our tv shows. 
Day 20 frizzy hair day I guess is what this was. Jeremy, Carrie, and all the kids came into town for the end of their spring break to hang out and go to Austin's baby blessing on Sunday. We just had fun being together and watching march madness upsets. It was also spent with me freakinnf out about homework.  
Day 21 this photo wasn't actually taken Friday because I forgot to take one. But it was a pretty rough day at work. I was in extended stay with a lazy worker and I was being pretty lazy myself because I wanted to keep checking the scores of basketball games. Onces creighton was done playing I was a little better at focusing but before that I was pretty slow moving. Basically I was just made I had to be at work. But, after work I hung out with everyone. That was fun. We all watched Frozen together.
Day 22 Well I was a moody mess all day. From little problems to big I couldn't seen to control my emotions. It's making me think I need to switch medications. We'll see if it continues or not. It could have just been sleep depravation too I don't really know. We all went to see the muppet movie, went to spaghetti works for lunch (we brought grandma), and we had a mini concert with everyone at grandma's nursing home. Spencer played his tuba, Brianna played the piano, the kids sang a few songs, grandma played a few songs on the piano for us to sing along to, and josh sang solos with me and grandma playing for him. Josh and I ended our day by going to a young single adult activity. We skipped out on the scavenger hunt which looked really fun but afterward was a pretty decent dance. I even met a few people I wouldn't mind talking to again. If only I wasn't so socially awkward. Darn it. I've lost it over the years. Too much work and not enough play! 

Day 23 today was wonderful. A little drama this morning but these days it doesn't effect me and I try to get out as soon as I can see it. My nephew Austin was blessed and we were able to get my grandma to church with all of us for it. We filled two rows in the Gretna branch today. :) the spirit was so strong. I loved seeing all my family members get up to go stand in the circle. It was wonderful with all us ladies just sitting with the few younger boys. Even spencer was involved. He was able to hold the microphone. I would be lying if I said I didn't tear up a little. It's beautiful what Heavenly Father helps His children create. It reminds me that I need to be better preparing for possibilities of a marriage and family coming somewhere down the line. Creighton lost tonight it was pretty sad how off they were today. After the game we just cheered up by watching Once Upon A Time. I choose happiness :) 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March Happiness day 16

Today was hard. This is an end of the day photo. So it helps put a visual to a rough day. Details in tomorrow's post because I need to get to bed. But I am going to bed happy. I choose happiness. :) 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March Happiness Day 14 and 15

So Friday was great. I got off work early. Spent some bro sis time with Josh. Had a birthday dinner for my dad and some fun at home with everyone afterward. We also enjoyed the creighton game :) 
Saturday started with the girl we were supposed to visit teach canceling on us :( well it happens. Then I caught up ok things around he house like laundry and weekly cleaning. I'm considering a house purchase in my future.... Just throwing that out there. Then, Marissa and I went to the outlets where I got a bunch of free clothes ;) thank you couponing and smart shopping! One day my future family will be grateful. Don't worry I didn't end up leaving the house with the big statement flower on... I'm too afraid of big statements I guess. We had an interesting day when Chris joined us. But that's cool. We had fun. I saw my grandma doe the first time in awhile and I realized I'm afraid more than anything of losing her. As much as I would love to leave Nebraska I'm afraid of losing her. :( I love her so much and cherish my time with her so much. The night ended with an unfortunate loss by creighton.  I didn't score a couch seat so I was on the floor rocking back and forth a lot of the game. I would jump up, sit down, scream, yell, and smile. But, man Providence is a fiesty team. The refs weren't calling fairly. I felt like the only person that was on their game today is the to be expected McDermott and they were guarding him so well. It was so sad that I had to stay up to watch some happy tv. But I surely choose happiness :) life is good. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March Happiness Day 11, 12, and 13

Day 11,12, and 13 sorry. I failed again. I'm trying to get used to having my new classes and got really caught up and stressed with work and juggling. But, it's been a rough few days and I haven't been as smiley as normal. I'm going to change that starting. Now. Especially since everything I had to be stressed about is over. Still took photos. It's funny how you can't see the crazy behind my eyes and my smiles. But, my head was going a little crazy. But right now it feels so good to know I'm caught up, can breath, and go to bed :) I choose happiness. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March Happiness day 7, 8, 9, and 10

Well... Clearly I haven't posted all weekend. But, I was busy living. Which is much more important. It was lovely. 
Friday: I had an early day and a slightly rough day at work. But the fact I got off at 2 was lovely. Marissa and I headed to Rochester and had the best drive ever. Really! I drove fast and it was smooth :) our stop was nice and nothing crazy happened. Well of course except for the snow drifts that just got bigger the further north we went and the 7 flipped abandoned cars on the road, who knows how long they had been there. We got there talked to everyone and had a blast. Then we watch catching fire :) made for a lovely evening. I fell asleep in the first movie in a longgggggg time because I generally get plenty of sleep so it doesn't effect my movie watching. That day I had been up for about 20 hours. Yeah, I was shot. 

Saturday: lovely day! Filled with meeting people running into Kyle Warner at mall of America (he is someone I know who lives in Nebraska...insane right?!) hanging  around Minnesota just loving life and eating wonderful food! :) yay for shopping without sales tax!!!! 

Sunday: church. Tours. Walking. Art. It was lovely. I had a grumpy moment but I think it was just from lack of sleep. I'm never lacking sleep anymore. So once again that became a huge issue. 
Monday: I survived work and it wasn't hard to do so. Had Mings, outside I might add!!! It was the most gorgeous day ever. It was an absolutely beautiful day. It was in the 70s the great weather was marvelous for my mood ;) not that it needed much help. I went to Fhe even. Two weeks in a row. I'm feeling pretty impressed with myself. Now I just have to make it to kickboxing this week. :) I know this is all short. But literally the weekend was just wonderful all around. It have me amazing moments to reflect on myself quite a bit. Especially during Marissa and I's long talks in the car on the way there and on the way back. So a total of 10ish hours of talking. We literally wouldn't even pause. I just loved it all! :D I may not always look it or know how to express my emotions. But I am happy! I choose happiness!! :)